Week 36


I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and took the time to honor the sacrifices made by our military. We are looking forward to a busy week!

We will travel to the State Museum tomorrow (Wednesday, May 29) and release our trout at Saluda Shoals State Park on Friday (May 31). For the State Museum, students should wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a light jacket. For Saluda Shoals, students should wear clothes they don't mind getting wet in and bring a towel. A bottle of water and sunscreen would be very helpful, as well, as we will be outdoors the entire time. On both days, students who indicated they would bring lunch from home should remember their lunches. Cameras are welcome, but all other electronic devices are prohibited. Students should bring their backpacks and school supplies on both days, as we will be continuing with academic activities before and after the trip.

When we are not traveling all over the world, we will be back in class, working diligently to finish our Help Wanted posters to show what we've learned about our careers! Students also will be taking their final Treasures Benchmark test in reading to show how they've grown throughout the year.

Finally, I'll be taking suggestions from students about how to celebrate the end of the school year on the last day of school! I am excited to see what they'll come up with!

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