Week 34


Hello, families! I don't know who is more excited to be finished with PASS testing-- the students, or their teachers! It was a long, challenging week, but I am so proud of the hard work that the kids put in. Now, we get to breathe a little easier and enjoy some exciting projects and opportunities during our next four weeks. Keep an eye on the calendar and your child's take-home folder to see what's coming.

This week:
Reading/Writing. We will conclude our poetry unit by finalizing and sharing an original poem, as well as preparing to recite poetry for our first-ever Poetry Slam! We are thrilled to be including you, our families, in this special event and hope that you'll be able to join us next Tuesday, May 21. (See the invitation in your child's take-home folder.)
Language. We are, at long last, reviewing what we've learned about adjectives and pronouns and hopefully testing on these topics by the end of the week.
Social Studies. We are wrapping up our study of the Civil War by sharing our "Civil War Windows" - sketches of what the war looked like from a variety of perspectives. We also will take a test on the war Thursday. 

Next week, we will jump into an interdisciplinary study of careers, money, and philanthropy. More news about that to come!

On a much sadder note-- by now, you have probably heard that our beloved Beth Phillips, Catawba Trail's IT specialist, passed away on Sunday. We will miss her so much and treasure all the encouragement, support, and energy she brought to the Colt family! She was truly an extraordinary woman. You will be the best person for your child to talk to as they work through their feelings about her death, so keep those lines of communication open. We also will have additional counselors on campus this week for students needing extra support. 

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